Day 4: The Blue Notto

The Blue Grotto is an underwater cavern only accessible by boat. In order to get there, you need to transfer from one small boat to another even smaller rowboat. The cave usually glows an etherial blue, but can also appear green and sometimes white; depending on the time of day.
This is my fifth time to the island, but neither my sister or I have ever been to this # 1 tourist attraction. So last night over dinner, I said. Ya know what Tracy, we should go first thing in the morning to avoid all the annoying tourists, and she agreed. We woke up promptly at 8, and proceded to the Marina Grande to join the charter. We were pretty dissapointed to find out that the Grotto was closed. Why you ask...? Well, the tide was extremely low today, and extremely choppy.... = ( "No soup for you!" L.D.
Today was jammed packed with events, so I will give you a quick rundown of how the day unraveled...
8:00- Wake up call
8:30- Cappuccino in the lobby with Tracy and Richie
8:45- We walk through town towards the Feniculare' (The Feniculare is basically a single train car that goes up and down the mountain)
9:00- We Enter the Marina
9:10- We find out the Blue Grotto is closed. = (
9:15- We Catch a taxi back to the square
9:22- Souviner shopping with Tracy
9:30- Split up with Tracy, and purchase Proscuitto Parma on a roll. Mmmmmm
9:45- I Return to hotel to find Richie and Darcy (the rents) eating breakfast with Fern and Danny. I Nibble on a piece of toast.
10:00- I grab sneakers, and my I-Pod, and head back through the town.
10:15- I find a shortcut to "The Hike" (Scala Fenicia)
10:20- I begin my ascent, and start I-Pod shuffle. (the three songs that came on were all coincidently related to the hike. first was "Rise" by the Heavy Pets."If you think your on the way to the top, dont stop" next was "Slippery People" by Talking Heads "Turn like a wheel inside a wheel. From the BOTTOM to the TOP" and to finish was of coarse "Fire On The Mountain" by The Grateful Dead.
11:00- I reach the top and purchase a water, and small collection of volcanic gems.
11:05- I purchase a ticket to the museum "Villa San Michelle"
11:10- I reach my destination. The Sphynx. I touched it with my left hand, like the legend says, and I made a wish. = >
11:15- I Roam the gardens one last time.
11:30- I Catch a taxi back to the square.
11:45- I return to hotel to change into a bathing suit.
11:55- I head down to Fontelina, via "The Steps"
12:05- I contemplate uprooting a small cactus to bring home (I left it alone)
12:20- I arrive down at the beach and begin reading the USA Today, and the British newspaper The Herald Tribune.
1:10- Observe the beautifull women on the short walk to lunch.
1:30- We start drinking the famous "White Peach Sangria"
1:33- I Get a slight BUZZ.
1:45- I ate Grilled Calamari. Amazing! I also had some of my dads Rock Lobster over Spaghetti, and also some of moms Sea Bass. Mmmmmmm
1:50- More Sangria.
1:55- I finish Sangria and eat the fruit, along with "Affocatto" (espresso over vanilla ice cream) Mmmmmm
2:00- I Talk to the beautifull women. = > tehe
2:10- I fall asleep on the beach, listening to Pink Floyd. (shuffle of coarse)
3:00- I dive off the rocks, into the ocean. Sweet!
4:00- Boat ride back to the marina (Marina Piccolo this time)
4:35- Taxi back to the square (Near miss accident)
4:51- We return to the square, and some quick shopping with mom and dad. (Tracy stayed by the pool today)
5:15- We run into friends in the middle of town, and then we headed back to the hotel.
5:35- Shower
6:00- Write Blog! =^ )
Dinner is at 9:30 tonight...
The picture below is a old rendition of Scala Fenicia. (The Hike)

sweet blog bro- along with my new texasholdem game on the blackberry you are helping me get through the week unscathed.
Wow u are stepping it up, good read see brah
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