16 Thousand Dong Equals A Dollar
A quiet ecsape from the city has left me refreshed. The vermont air alone could rejuvinate the spirit. I took a solo ride up to Mount Snow to meet JG. Equiped with an arsenal of stories, Jordan had just returned from what seemed to be an epic trip to Vietnam. I was making a fire when he arrived, and of coarse we both had treats for the weekend. I brought white chocolate popcorn, baked ziti, muscle milk, frozen clam chowder, and Japanese pumpkin gnochi. Jordan shared 80 gigs of music, Vietnamese sesame brittle, and aray of Vietnamese DVD's that didnt work, oh yea, and beasters... A most relaxing weeked in vermont wouldn't be complete without a trip to the local "Snow Barn". "Kashmir" the Led Zeplin cover band was playing, and before they exited the stage, they introduced themselves and both Jimmy Page and Robert Plant respectively. And then Proceded to throw a plethora of their "Kashmir" guitar picks into the crowd. I havent seen something that cheezy since Dr. Doolittle II...
The Picture above is the painting i purchased at the local "Wright GallerY"
best purchase ever?
-for the record. Ive never seen Dr. Doolitte II
Reflection Eternal shines in my Vermont soul forever.
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