Dog Day Afternoon

So this weekend was pretty relaxing. Hung around the city and ran a few erands, that I have been meaning to take care of. I got two new rugs for my apartment and some groceries. I also picked up a new shower curtain and liner. During the shopping trip we went into a pet store, thats where I took the picture below, of the white "BullyBee"(the half Beagle half Bull Dog mutt)
When I was looking for a parking spot I accidently tapped the car in front of me. There was no damage to the cars, but the Asian man insisted there was. He wanted to stop in the middle of a busy street to assess the white smear that was left on his bumper. I licked my hand to show him you can simply wipe those kinds of discolorations right off. But he still insisted, and repeated "Damage" "Damage" He wanted me to stay but I basically told him he was being ridiculous for making scene over nothing. "DAMAGE" =D
Friday night we played poker up at Ryan's. Thats where I took the picture of his two dogs; Justin "Jackass" and Sebastian "Seabass" Martin. I finished in the money for the 2nd game in a row. My cousin Terry brought an english girl to the game who didn't really know how to play, and was quite annoying. It was one of those things seems funny when you look back at it.
Meals on Saturday:
Breakfast- bannana and green tea
Lunch- Lentil soup, sauteed spinach, and a whole wheat pita
Dinner- Tuna Tar-Tar, raw oysters, and scallops(AWFULL!) Skate, and Flounder.
-Other News
After dinner, we picked up Jon and played a three way poker match, back at my place. Congratulations to Gabi! Finished the day undefeated.

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