The most memorable part of our trip to Arizona was the coctail party on Saturday night. Mark and Dennis, the two most prominent crystal dealers in the country, invited me to their private showroom. Paul, Jordan and I left the hotel at around 8 o'clock pm, and headed to downtown Tucson. We arrived at the elegant house party, and were given a private tour of the showroom. The rooms contained priceless gemstones that would most likely end up in museums. We were also introduced to a few international gemstone dealers, one in particular stuck out in my mind. His name was Moses, and he was responsible for bringing to America, the new electric blue and red (parabia) Tourmalines from Morrocco.
The second most memorable part of our trip, was eating Jack In The Box late friday night. It was the best fast food I have ever eaten! We got Spicy Chicken nuggets, and jalapeno poppers. I think Paul got a chicken sandwich, which was also fantastic. =D The city of Tucson Arizona is laced with more fast food spots, than I have hairs on my head. Literally, every 10 feet was different restaurant. There were even fast food joints I have never heard of... Weinershnitzel!? I was a little disapointed with "IN-N-OUT BURGER" though. I gave it a MEH...

Paul and I flew out to "U of Zona" to meet up with his brother Jordan, and also go to the Tucson Gem and Mineral show. I was blown away by the amount of gem material located throughout the 10 different hotels. Incredible weather also made for a spectacular trip. Woot! Woot! Looking forward to next year. . .
P.S. Best move of the trip was renting a Dodge Ram PICKUP! big ups Enterprise. 24 bucks a day!