New Years Paradox

Its been a while, but that only means things have been calm and steady. Thanksgiving and Christmas are now over, and the year is coming to a close. This past year was very exiting and part of me is sad to see it end.
Vermont or bust? yes... We are loading up the car on saturday, and I cant wait to snowboard. Then, after new years I am heading down to florida with Ethan to visit E-dog and go to the Orange Bowl.
Lloyd and Rachel are in town for the holidays, hopin' to meet up with them tomorow night at Mitchel's 25th surprise birthday party. Boy I hope he's not reading this!
Anyway, the paradox of new years is that everyone has all these resolutions, and then they get completely wasted, only to start the new year totally hung over....
And yes, that is another view of the Verrazano Bridge. Stellar shot Gabi!