Turkey Hangover

Boy, I needed this... A quick little stint down to Florida always recharges my batteries. I came down yesterday morning, and from the minute I left my apartment, I have had a smile on my face. I come down every Thanksgiving, to spend the holiday with the family. This is the third year in a row we are celebreating at 109 Talavera (My parents house) New additions to this years Turkey Manifesto include: Shaun (My sisters Fiance'), Donald & Dawn (good family friends)
We started the feast with Joe's Famous Stone Crabs (A rather new family tradition). Donald and Dawn also brought a few goodies: Proscuitto and melon, w/ aged Riccotta, Boratta (super rich/milky mozzorella), Caper berries, and Italian pignolli cookies. For the actual meal we ate: Turkey w/ stuffing and cranberry(Obv.) Yams with marshmallows, and green beans with fried onions. I enjoyed a few vodka cocktails with dinner, hence the "Turkey Hangover"
Heres a quick rundown of the trip so far...
6:00 am- I woke up to the Opey and Anthony radio show
6:10- Jump in the shower
6:20- Make the bed and clean up around the house (I strongly dislike coming home to a dirty apartment)
6:45- Start to organize my clothes for the trip
6:55- Pack my backpack
7:10- I feed Ninja, and leave extra food and water for him.
7:25- Double check that I have my phone charger, and my iPOD and I do the double pocket tap to make sure everything is in its propper pant compartment.
7:29- I stop at the front desk to my building, to leave keys for Ninja's possible caretaker.
7:35- I drop off a check at the garage, and pick up my sunglasses from my car
7:41- I grab a bottle of water and a New York Post from Impress Deli
7:44- Hop in a taxi to JFK International Airport
8:12- I arrive at the airport
8:15- Get my boarding pass
8:20- Go through securtiy
8:25- I bought a vegetable sandwich and soy chips, and headed to my gate.
9:00- Rows ten and higher boarded the plane. Since I was in the fourth row, I was the last person on the plane (I like to board the plane as late as possible, the smell of exaust before you take off makes me dizzy and nauseus)
9:13- Get on the plane
9:30- The plane takes off (Exactly on time)
9:37- I fall asleep
10:00- Z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
11:00- Z z z z z z z z z z (PEEP) Z z z z z z z z z z z z z
11:45- The plane descends, and I wake up
12:01- We land (45 minutes early)
12:15- I grabbed a cup of black coffee in the airport, and head to the pick up area
12:20- I finished the Phish Boston Montage video while waiting to get picked up
12:27- My wonderfull mother comes to pick me up
12:45- We arrive at the house.... YEsss
1:00 PM- Say Hello to Grandma Molly and Aunt Ruth
1:10- I went for a run (5 miles)
1:55- I return home and shower
1:20- I unpack the laptop and fiddle with the Internet
2:00- Mingle with the family and think about the preparing for the feast
4:00- I begin cracking the Stone Crab Claws
4:45- I finish the crab cracking, and serve with them w/a creamy mustard sauce. Mmmmm
4:55- Belvedere with Olives
5:15- I began carving the turkey
5:25- Finish carving the turkey and enjoyed some more appetizers
6:00- The dinner bell rang
7:15- After dinner, eveyone was engrossed in a computer game (Travel IQ is a great new application on Facebook that tests your knowledge of a world map. Big ups to Shaun for the introduction)
7:20- I had another cocktail =D (Hey, its a holiday)
7:35- Desert
8:15- After desert I lost 2 Sit & Go's on the computer (Poker)
10:00- Tracy, Sean and I watched the Office
10:30- I watched two Phish videos on my iPOD
10:50- Went to bed (Turkey Coma)
Today I woke up late and Played golf with the boys. Dad had about 6 pars in 11 holes (not too shabby) Richie has spent a lot of time practicing his swing over the past year, and it shows.
Above is a picture of the house.
Below is a picture of the dinner table.