The Crystal "SNOW"

This is part II of the previous blog "The Crystal Show" our trip to Arizona
About two and a half months ago I decided that the last weekend in February would be a perfect time to plan a "boys weekend" to Vermont. Boy was I RIGHT!
I had a feeling our excursion would be epic. First , because There was a storm brewing in New England called an "Alberta Clipper" and second, because everyone who was supposed to come, bailed out! I had this weird theory that anyone who flaked, was not lucky enough to be a part of this high pressure crossroads.
We left Jersey early on friday, in order to beat the storm up there. The second half of the ride ^was a little shaky, but I had a good support team to help me. Murphy in the back with Ralph, and Paul riding shotgun. At one point we made a bathroom stop on the Thruway. I grabbed a chicken sandwich, and mistakingly gave Ralph (the dog) a piece of the bun. Paul said "That wasn't a good idea", he then immediately threw up all over Paul's leg!
The snow began to dump harder and harder as we approached the condo. When we arrived we had our first of three poker tournaments. I won the first, then Paul, and Murphy won the final tournament on Sunday. In fact, Murphy made an amazing run on Poker Stars that day. He went from $6.50 up to around $700 bucks! wow
Saturday morning we were out on the mountain at 7:45 am, and had a full day of riding. Truly amazing. The conditions were so good we even decided to do back to back runs on "Ripcord" (The steepest trail in the northeast) I was so tired that night that I fell asleep on the couch before 8:00.
Sunday was so beautiful and sunny out, that we just had to take a couple runs. The first picture below is a shot of Paul, waist deep in powder. The second is a shot of me "Surfing The Himalayas" The picture above was taken mid-mountain, of a slope called "Ridge" Paul's new favorite trail.