Ok... I have finally completed the trilogy of what I consider the 3 major east coast gambling destinations. My final analysis is as such: By staying too long at any of the locations, one might develop following disorders.
1) "Atlantic City Ear"
This disorder can become extremely irritable during ones stay at any of the casinos in the Atlantic City area. Since the casinos are so grimy, It is believed that this air-born filth can actually build up in the ear canal, causing irritation, and if not treated properly, can eventually lead to ear infections.
2) "Foxwoods Eye"
I have never suffered from this disease, but I have been witness to friends who are continually affected by this bacteria driven ailment. Common symptoms of "Foxwoods Eye" are; redness, swelling, irritation, cloudy vision, and general discomfort. If symptoms persist for 24 hours after leaving the casino, please contact your physician. The cause of Foxwoods Eye is unknown, but many have speculated that it might be related to the detergent they use on the bedding, or, the lack there of...
3) "Mohegan Sun Back"
This disorder commonly effects visitors long after they have left the reservation. Lower lumbar pain is a surefire sign that you have "Mohegan Sun Back" The lack of support in the beds are directly linked to the back pain one might experience. In addition, the lack of a poker room leads to one aimlessly roaming the casino while wondering, "what table game can I waste my money at?" This pace of walk, is similar to the slow pace you would stroll at, while eating an ice cream cone on the street.
Besides the back pain, my recent stay at Mohegan was a very positive experience. Haddon House, a well know gourmet food distributor and manufacturer, provided rooms, food, and entertainment for 3 full days. The event was surrounded by a 2 day food "buying show" held at the Mohegan Sun Convention Center.
I lost money at the casino the first night, but I left the trip a winner, thanx to the experience I had at a seemingly cold blackjack table. I approached the table ready to gamble. The female, Asian American dealer seemed to be in one of those funks dealers sometimes get in. Hey, I don't blame them. There was no one betting at the table, there was however, a very pleasant older woman sitting enjoying the passing action. She looked like "Pangea" from "Poltergeist" and she said to me in broken English: "This table no good" and I said to her "I'm here to change that"

I am not the most experienced blackjack player, so I didn't hesitate to ask for her advice when I was in a questionable situation. Plus, she enjoyed being somewhat involved. I started to play one spot at the table, and she says to me "Play two, More Betta'" So, I played two spots at the table. With that, I then began to streak! Hitting hand after hand, we started to have a little fun. I then got a 5 and a 6 in one of my positions. I was a little distracted by my own winning enthusiasm, that I forgot to double down. The little woman jumps up, and shouts "Double! Double! More Betta'" I said "Oh yea!" I doubled down, and hit a 10, she said loudly "See, More Betta'". The other hand, I wound up sticking at 19. When the dealer busted, I began cheering "MORE BETTA'" exchanging high fives with the woman(I like to call Pangea) More Betta' became my themed mantra for the rest of the night, shouting it every time I won. Its just fun to say, and I will now use this phrase whenever I play blackjack.
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Upon entering Mohegan Sun, you will notice a large blue and white glass sculpture dominating your view. It is unmistakeably a custom sculpture from the artist Chihuly. I have been exposed to his work thanks to my great friend Erika Hilsen, a long time fan. I have had the privilege of seeing his outdoor gallery/exhibit in recent months, hosted by the Bronx Botanical Gardens. Dale Chihuly is still alive today, and his work is featured below.