In recent months, I have been fortunate
enough to travel quite a bit. Vermont and
South Florida have been the destinations
from which I have fled Manhattan.
My most recent excursion down south has
left me with an even stronger urge for warm
weather and outdoor activities. The week-
long trip began with two nights in Palm
Beach, followed by an evening in Miami,
And then three more days in Ft. Lauterdale.
The first couple of weekdays were spent
mostly relaxing in the sun, but the weekend
was "JAM" packed with live music at the
fourth annual "Langerado" music festival.
The festival was much more crowded than
years past. I think this is because the
performers who were given the prime time
slots were much more mainstream than
ever before. Such bands and "The Flaming
Lips", "G-Love and Special Sauce" and
"Ben Harper" replaced smaller, niche market
"jam bands" which generally tickle my
musical fancy a bit more. Upon arrival,
I was pleasantly surprised by the amount
of musical improvisation and general good
vibes surrounding the neo-hippie convention.
In addition, A dear friend of mine, (Jeff) who
recently moved to florida, was invited to
play at the festival. Jeff and his bandmates
who are also good friends of mine, played
one the of best hours of music I have
ever wittnessed. The show left me utterly
content but also craving more of the bands
original tunes. The band, "The Heavy Pets"
in my opinion have crossed the threshold
from a backyard garage band, to being profesional
entertainers. Their funky music can best be described as
Why dont you just listen for yourself...